Unsure of the study route that would suit you best?

Take our quick quiz to help you find out more about how you learn and what you enjoy, so you can choose the route that is right for you.

  1. Skills for a specific career sector
  2. Hands-on, practical experience of a specific job role
  3. Knowledge across a suite of academic subjects
  1. Qualifications that relate to a career or industry sector
  2. Workplace experience
  3. Going to university
  1. Not sure – but I know the sector I would like to work in
  2. Yes - I want to start straight away
  3. Not sure / yes - but I need to study at a higher level first
  1. Almost ready
  2. Yes I’m ready
  3. Not yet

If you chose mostly 1:

A vocational course or T Level might be for you! Our vocational qualifications and T Levels are designed to prepare you for a real career or higher level study and can offer you great career prospects.

If you chose mostly 2:

An apprenticeship might be for you! Apprenticeships can help you get started by gaining nationally recognised qualifications, real work experience and earning a wage - all at the same time!

If you chose mostly 3:

A-Levels might be for you! A-Levels allow you to study academic subjects in more depth and are good preparation if you are thinking of progressing to university or if you want to keep your options open.